Sergio Ruiz Velasco is a filmmaker and photographer from Guadalajara known for his focus on human rights, community life, and family relationships. He studied Audiovisual Arts at the Department of Image and Sound at the University of Guadalajara and specialized at ENERC in Buenos Aires and the Mexican Association of Cinematographers (AMC). He co-directed and served as the cinematographer for the documentary short film “Hijos del Mar,” which was selected for festivals such as Shorts México, Zanate (Zanate Universitario Award), FICVIÑA, and FIDBA. He has also directed the short films “Los Anhelos Todavı́a” and “Umbrales del Exilio.” In addition, he has collaborated as a cinematographer on projects with renowned directors such as Jaime Humberto Hermosillo and Pablo Balderas, with whom he worked on the short film “De la Nada,” which won the award for Best Mexican Short Film at GIFF 2022 and was featured at the Cannes Festival 2023.